The series is set in a world where the seasons can last for years at a time. HBO presents this epic series based on the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. But in a land where seasons can last a lifetime, winter is coming.and beyond the Great Wall that protects them, a forgotten evil has returned. For the inhabitants of this world, control of the Iron Throne holds the lure of great power.
8.1 Seasons 1-4: A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, and A Storm of Swords.8 Adaptation process and catching up with the books.5.5.1 Vassals and allies of House Tyrell.5.3.1 Vassals and allies of House Baratheon.
5.2.1 Vassals and allies of House Lannister.5.1.2 Vassals and allies of House Stark.